marți, 14 noiembrie 2006

Test day...

You'll Find Love Where You Least Expect It

You're the type most likely to find love... surprised?
You shouldn't be! You're a fun, independent woman who is always out and about.
And you're smart to sometimes leave your girlfriends behind and go it alone.
Men love to approach you when you're out by yourself - including Mr. Perfect!

Guys Like That You're Fun

You're the type of girl guys brag about knowing
That's because you're cool, funny, and laid back
You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys
But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you

Your Celebrity Sisters Are Paris and Nicky

Wild, infamous, and stunningly gorgeous.
You cause a scene wherever you go

You Need to Grow Up a Little

You're definitely not a kid anymore, though sometimes it's hard to tell.
Your life is somewhat adult, but chances are, you aren't really satisfied with it.
Whether this means getting a better job or dumping a loser boyfriend...
It's definitely time for you to start living a fully adult life.

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